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Saturday 22 November 2014

The power of the tongue Pt2

A mouth and a wisdom that will turn the table around for your testimony!  So for your situations to turn around for a testimony, you must understand what God has given you!  Your mouth has been given to you not just for eating and drinking but has been giving you as a weapon of war against all your adversaries.  I will give unto you a mouth and when you let my wisdom flow through that mouth, none of your adversary can gainsay nor resist it.  So you have a gift of destiny that determines where you are heading to.  You will not end up in a crash in the Name of Jesus Christ!  Now say it to yourself, “I have a mouth gift from my father who is in heaven as a weapon of war against all my adversaries in the journey of life.  I have a mouth gift and I am going to put my mouth to work so as to put my enemies off and lay hold to my testimony.  I like you to look at any challenge in your life and say to that challenge “you shall turn to me for a testimony”.  Any challenge in character, any challenge in relationship etc, I’ like you to say it with your mouth, I know you are turning to me for a testimony! Glory to God!  Any mark of the devil harassing your destiny in anyway, I know you shall turn to me for a testimony. In Jesus precious Name!
Snr. Pst. fawom  

Paul made a very profound statement and it is the age-long strategy of the devil.  He wants to make you feel that the solution prescribed in the word of God is too simple to be true.  The devil wants to make you see that.  You know, he told them in the Garden of Eden how can ordinarily eating of fruit kill you; you are not a dummy, you should know better? Taste it a little, do you feel like dying? Eat it now! 
The bible said concerning Satan that the serpent was the most subtle amongst all the animals that the Lord God made (Gen 3:1).  Paul was writing in 2nd Cor 11:3, he said

But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

Satan is always fighting the simplicity that is in the gospel. How can your tongue change situations, are you a dummy? Your tongue can’t be that powerful, how?  It is only a biological organ – what is it?  But if God says, the power of life and death is in the tongue, then, it is!   If God says to you, 'I will give you a mouth which the adversary cannot be able to gainsay nor resist', that is it!  You can use your tongue to trap your enemy.  Paul also said in Corinthians

Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.
2 Cor 2:11
In the book of Ephesians, Paul said,

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

Ephesians 6:10-11
And I like you to know that he is a skimmer.

For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth.
2Corinthians 13:8

I like you to understand that there is nothing that belongs to you in God that becomes real without the use of your mouth.  Only what you declare can be delivered.  What you cannot proclaim, you cannot claim. You proclaim it to claim it.  You declare it for God to deliver it.  Satan knows this and he keeps as many as would allow him daft to constantly say what is not there and refuse them to say what is available to them.

The truth is this; Jesus died and rose again to qualify you and I for his righteousness.  So by his death and resurrection I have legal right to his righteousness.  He died for me to be able to live like him.  He died to reproduce himself in you and in me.
Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the
ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.
John 12:24
And when I begin to declare it, he is committed to making it a reality. And satan know that the more you declare this verdict of the truth the more God is committed to perform. The word of the Lord says

I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out
of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.
But my people would not hearken to my voice; and Israel would none of me.
So I gave them up unto their own hearts’ lust: and they walked in their own counsels.
Oh that my people had hearkened unto me, and Israel had walked in my ways!
 I should soon have subdued their enemies, and turned my hand against their adversaries.
Psalm 81:10 -  14
If God says be ye perfect, everything to make you and I perfect is already loaded in us so all we need to do is to activate them and the tongue is the most vital organ given to us to activate our inheritances in Christ Jesus.  So God is waiting for you and me to open our mouth wide.  The wider we open our mouth the louder our voice! try this!. The louder you shout it the freer you become. This is why what you conseal over a very long time has the ability to cause ill health on that individual. Are there medical doctors here? Just speak it out to Jesus! you will observe that it has been taking care of!  Open your mouth wide and I God will fill it but the people say no, not in this modern time!- this is archaic so they would not hearken to what God told them to do so he gave them over to their lust. Oh should they have hearken to me I would have long subdue their adversaries.  Whatever the enemy of your destiny must have stolen from you as you open your mouth I see God redeeming them back to you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.  Every deadly habit still hanging around your destiny as you open your might wide declaring it to God they shall lose their grip over your life.
Remember this, the bible says every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment you shall condemn.  It is you that will condemn it.  Not God. Not your brother.  Not your pastor.  Halaleya!  He said no weapon formed against you shall prosper no matter where it is coming from!  God word said when you declare it he is committed to performing it.  
..................final episode coming soon!