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Monday, 15 June 2015


Rom 8:37
Midweek/Communion Service:  Topic: Breaking through hardships in life.

That we are in Church is not a freelance to enjoyment without huddles.  It takes strict obedience to godly principles to breakout from the norms of this life.  Every child of God is ordained to go through the challenges of life.  We are not ordained to die in it. It is through that hardship is real but what is more real is that we are more than Conquerors.  Rom 8: 35-37

Christ suffered hardship to take us to where we are today, so it is not something new! Someone paid the price for our salvation!  The gospel of Christ that we are enjoying today, some saints paid the supreme price to get it to Africa and we need to do same.  Nothing of value is ever free.  There is always a price to be paid Rom 8:16-17. As soldiers of Christ, we are to endure hardness (2 Tim 2:3). Ask any successful man or woman today, their story is that they endure hardness!  It is my prayer that God give you more grace in Jesus Name!

As believers, the through proofs of your divine calling must be tested! For example, when God has created you to feed the poor, then you must taste some hard poverty to know what it is to be poor.  The processes of life are ordained to make us strong and not to mar us.

God has giving all things freely to the Church but we must work for it.  Rom 8:29-37.

How do I breakthrough the hardship of life?
1.            Operating with absolute love for God and the things of God: Rom 8:38-39.  We must understand that “all things work together for good to them that loved God” Rom 8:28. Love the things of God.  Love prayer, fasting, sowing, evangelism etc.

2.            Be a covenant practitioner!  Be a giver, be a sower.  Gen 8:22.  It is a spiritual law.  We must understand that whatever promise God has promised us, He is faithful to also bring it to pass.  Rom 9:9. Faithful is he that promised who also will do it. (1 Thess 4:24), Eccl 11:6.  Gen 26:12.  Believers must learn to release their Isaac so that they can become a generational blessing. Gen 22:13; Heb 11:17 and Jam 2:21.

3.            Be diligent in your Work!  Harvest precedes a work.  Don’t be a lazy fellow.  Even prayer is hardwork.  You must do the work that God has ordained for you diligently.  Let him that does not work never eat. God your father worked and He is still working, so you must work.  Gen 2:2. Eccl 7:13a.  Eccl 9:10. John 6:28-29.  It is an error to mandate the people to live their various work in the morning for prayer meeting.  Eccl 3:1.
To be continued!